Mental Health Advocacy and Suicide Prevention


If you or a loved one is experiencing a severe mental health crisis, do not hesitate to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255). The Lifeline is available 24/7/365. There is always hope.

Other Mental Health Resources

American Foundation For Suicide Prevention – One of America’s largest and most active organizations that supports suicide prevention.

The Trevor Project – A free, confidential lifeline for LGBTQ youth, as well as other resources.

Seize the Awkward – Resources for combating the stigma of discussing mental health issues.

Make It OK – More advice on mental health discussion

National Institute of Mental Health – Large research organization for mental health concerns. – Resources for teachers, including a curriculum guide.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) – Fundraising and discussion.

Quiz bowl and mental health – A quiz bowl forums thread by Bounceback Foundation board member Auroni Gupta, with numerous helpful posts about maintaining positive mental health in the quiz bowl community.